Creating, Updating & Deleting Meeting Links

You must have permission to create Meeting Links to perform the steps below.

  1. Visit the Create Meeting Links Page at

  2. Fill out the necessary fields including the new Meeting Link's title, public ID, department, and length. You can refer to Meeting Link Settings for more information on how these settings affect your Meeting Link's behavior.

  3. Click "Create Meeting Link".

  4. Confirm the action on the dialog popup.

Newly created Meeting Links are unpublished by default. You can refer to Meeting Link Publishing & Versioning for more information.

You must have permission to update Meeting Links to perform the steps below.

  1. On the Meeting Links Page, click the "Edit" icon in the row of your chosen Meeting Link. Alternatively, you can go to the Meeting Link's own page and click the "Edit" icon in the upper-right corner.

  1. Update the settings you wish to change. You can refer to Meeting Link Settings for more information on how these settings affect your Meeting Link's behavior.

  2. Click "Save Edits".

  3. Confirm the action on the dialog popup.

Updates to Meeting Links do not immediately take effect due to versioning. You can refer to Meeting Link Publishing & Versioning for more information.

You must have permission to delete Meeting Links to perform the steps below.

  1. On the Meeting Links Page, click the "More" icon in the row of your chosen Meeting Link.

  1. Click "Delete Meeting Link". Alternatively, you can go to the Meeting Link's own page and click the "Delete" icon in the upper-right corner.

  2. Confirm the action on the dialog popup.

Meeting Links are only ever soft deleted so you can always restore previously deleted Meeting Links. Proceed to the following instructions to learn how:

You must have permission to delete Meeting Links to perform the steps below.

  1. On the Meeting Links Page, click "Show Deleted" in the upper-left corner.

  2. Find your Meeting Link by scrolling through the list or using the available filters.

  3. Click the "More" icon in the row of your chosen Meeting Link.

  1. Click "Restore Meeting Link". Alternatively, you can go to the Meeting Link's own page and click the "Restore" icon in the upper-right corner.

  2. Confirm the action on the dialog popup.

If you wish to only temporarily revoke Customer access to your Meeting Link, we recommend that you unpublish your Meeting Link instead of deleting it. This is to prevent the loss of data especially for Events already scheduled with your Meeting Link. You can refer to Meeting Link Publishing & Versioning for more information.

Last updated