Quick Start for Forms

MeetBit Forms consist of a series of questions designed for your Customers to respond to, allowing them to share information with your company. You can create Forms tailored to the specific information you need. Once created, you can specify the Form link to be sent to Customers via email or other notification options. Additionally, MeetBit offers two distinct types of forms:

  • Normal Forms are sent to Customers via email, notification options, or embedded on your company website to gather relevant information.

  • Feedback Forms are sent to Customers via a notification after a Meeting to gather insights about their experience.

The Form Responses of Customers are then automatically recorded in the Admin Panel. Read more about this at Viewing Form Responses.

Responding to a Form

  1. Open the Form link.

  2. Fill out the necessary fields.

  3. Click "Submit".

Creating your First Form

Now that you understand how Forms work, it's time to create your first Form. Proceed to the next page to learn how.

Last updated