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MeetBit Activities encompass the actions carried out within the platform by you and your Customers. These activities enable you to monitor, analyze, and optimize user interactions within MeetBit.
An empty "Causer" refers to the Activities performed by MeetBit.
A "Causer" labeled as "Anonymous User" refers to the Activities of an individual who has not yet been identified by the System.
You must have permission to view Activities and be from the Global Department to perform the steps below.
On the Activity Reports Page, click the "View Activity" icon in the row of your chosen User.
Scroll down to access the Recent Activities section for the selected User.
If you wish to see the rest of the Activities performed by the user, click "View all activities" in the lower-left corner.
You can also access additional details of a specific Activity by clicking "View Activity" within the corresponding row.
You must have permission to read Activities and be from the Global Department to perform the steps below.
On the Activities Page, click the "Export" button in the upper-right corner.
Confirm the action on the dialog popup.